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  • 高效led有望将分支机构照明相关的能源消耗减少50%以上
  • 与凯捷的生态系统合作伙伴关系为Predix释放了200多名开发人员
  • 与英特尔的合作加速了智能基础设施在城市中的应用


February 19, 2016 (New York, NY) 通用电气(NYSE:GE)今天宣布与12bet官方达成一项协议 & Co. (NYSE: JPM) to install LED lighting across most of 追逐's U.S. 分支机构. Potentially spanning 25 million square feet across roughly 5,000 分支机构, the project is the World's largest single-order LED installation to date.

Current estimates that, once completed, 该项目可以减少分支机构与照明相关的能源消耗50%以上,相当于减少近27个分支机构的能源消耗,000 cars off the road.

“我们一直在寻找更好的方法,以高效和可持续的方式管理我们的分支机构," said Barry Sommers, CEO of 追逐 Consumer Banking. “这有助于我们通过减少我们所服务的社区的能源使用来实现这一目标."


The announcement comes just four months after the formation of Current, a first-of-its kind energy start-up within GE that integrates GE's LED, 太阳能, 拥有产业实力的储能和电动汽车业务软件平台, Predix.

“到2025年,LED的商业使用量预计将从目前的28%增长到95%, 为我们的客户释放巨大价值,降低商业企业的能源成本和复杂性," said Maryrose Sylvester, President and CEO of Current. “追逐了解这种转变,并且通过利用led优化能源效率,在引领分布式能源变革方面处于领先地位."

2月18日,大通和Current的领导敲响了纽约证券交易所的收市钟,庆祝了这一项目, 以及其他六家与Current合作开展节能项目的公司, 包括希尔顿全球(NYSE: HLT)和美国医院集团(NYSE: HCA).

Enabling Intelligent Environments
Current宣布与Capgemini达成协议,将在Predix上释放200多名开发人员, which opened for general availability this week. 开发人员将专注于创建软件解决方案,以帮助商业和工业客户降低功耗, generate power onsite, 并通过在建筑物和城市中使用传感器和网络系统来推动新的收入来源.

加快城市智能基础设施建设, Current还宣布与英特尔达成一项商业协议,就智慧城市的建议和机遇展开合作. Current的智能路灯也将使用英特尔®物联网平台构建, 基于英特尔硬件和软件构建模块的边缘云参考架构. 英特尔产品将以当今城市所要求的可靠性和灵活性,快速处理大量不断变化的数据负载.

"Populations in cities around the world are growing exponentially, 前瞻性的市政领导人正在寻求数字技术来改善其城市的经济和环境健康, said Sylvester. “通过与英特尔的合作,我们将加速智能技术的发展,帮助城市以前所未有的方式提取和访问数据,为城市工人和居民解决挑战,创造新的机会."


Building the App Economy For Intelligent Buildings
To create an industrial app economy for intelligent buildings and cities, Current is tapping into the global developer community. 该公司收到了来自13个国家的100多个传感器和应用创意,用于其智能LED照明,这是TopCoder为期一周的创意生成挑战的一部分. The contest sought ideas that brought together lighting hardware, 传感器和各种智能环境中的个性化用户体验, like retail, commercial offices 和更多的.

Winning ideas, which were chosen to seed themes for potential development, include a conference room management app for enterprise that can instantly reserve meeting space based on an individual's location in a building and calendar commitments; a retail app that alerts shoppers to clothing options based on body type, cost and size availability; and an event app that allows sporting enthusiasts to instantly identify available parking options, 根据交通模式接收关于公共交通选择的警报, 建议在体育场馆座位附近的食品和饮料供应商, 和更多的.


GE (NYSE:GE) is the World's Digital Industrial Company, 通过软件定义的机器和互联解决方案改变行业, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the "GE Store," through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, 市场, structure and intellect. 每一项发明都进一步推动了我们工业部门的创新和应用. With people, 服务, technology and scale, 通用电气通过使用行业语言为客户提供更好的服务. www.ge.com

关于 JP摩根 追逐 & Co.
JP摩根 追逐 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.4 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial 服务 for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JP摩根 追逐 & Co. 为美国数以百万计的消费者和世界上许多最著名的公司提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands. Information about JP摩根 追逐 & Co. is available at ad5.jxklpl.com